Thursday, May 5, 2011

Whackos, Wingnuts, Nutjobs, any other names?

A 65-year-old man was convicted of riding his bike through a park naked. He told the cops he found it "exciting."  //  WONDER HOW EXCITING IT WAS FOR HIM?  //  DO YOU THINK HE MOVED HIS "HIGH" BAR FROM THE BACK TO THE FRONT?  /// AND WHAT COLOR WAS HIS SEAT EXACTLY SINCE HE WAS ALWAYS NAKED? //  THANK YOU VIAGRA!! 

Across the pond ... no ... the other way ... EAST in Wisconsin:  Another nude freak.  This jag-off was seen running around downtown with his junk flopping all about.  Cops finally got to him and said, DUDE, YOU'RE NOT LADY GAGA, or something to that effect.  He then admitted he had voices in his head.  And he was looking for a horse to have sex with.  //  that's it, I'm moving away from people to the Yoo P ....
Dammit Jim!  I told him a hundred times not to mount from the rear!!!!

1 comment:

happy clam said...

Hey Rich. It's not that wacky. We have a horse molestor right here in mid-michigan. I can not say too much here on this public forum so I will end it now and message you on FB with details. And I know you want the details. ;-)